Can Marine Corps Principles Apply to Veterinary Leadership?

Today’s Veterinary Business recently featured an article from VetEvolve founders Paul Habenicht and Nick Lodestro about veterinary leadership. You can check out the full article on their website here.

Achieve Better Veterinary Leadership Skills

When most people think of military leadership, they likely think of a drill sergeant yelling at recruits. However, VetEvolve founders Paul Habenicht and Nick Lodestro took away something different from their experiences in the U.S. Marine Corps.

They learned that leadership centers on intent, practice, and follow-through, and that shared goals can be achieved when you bring out the best in the people needed to achieve them. When you empower a team of people with the knowledge and resources they need, you set them up for success — whether they’re fighting on a battlefield, taking care of animals in a veterinary clinic, or in any other part of life.

The best teams align on core principles and come out of the right leader connecting with the right team members through the right examples. When a team can count on its leader to deliver on their needs, give sound, level-headed advice, and help them reach not only group goals but also their individual growth goals, then team members will feel more secure in their positions and ready to get their jobs done. When leaders can count on their teams to do good, reliable work that gets them closer to achieving shared goals, then they can focus more of their efforts on pushing the organization as a whole forward.

Habenicht and Lodestro call their leadership strategy, built on ideals like the ones we just discussed, their “Corps Principles.” They believe that you can create better, healthier teams in your organization by focusing on leader’s intent, leadership steps, headspace and timing, and debriefing with your team members.

Learn more about Habenicht and Lodestro’s people-focused leadership approach in the full article, available here.

To learn more about how VetEvolve applies these morals-based veterinary leadership principles to our practice ownership, check out our Why Choose VetEvolve page.