Serving in St. Kitts:  Using our Veterinary Skill Sets and Mentorship Mindsets to Give Back

Serving in St. Kitts: Using our Veterinary Skill Sets and Mentorship Mindsets to Give Back

When VetEvolve’s Student Programs Partner, Ashley Anderson, was planning her campus visit to Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, she asked students there if they had ideas of how VetEvolve team members could give back to the community in St. Kitts while they were on the island.  The question came as a natural extension to the VetEvolve core value, Serve.

Ashley was introduced to the Shelter Medicine Club, a 501c3 rescue dedicated to helping the animals on St. Kitts, who had an upcoming summer community outreach event and they were short on resources to adequately serve the animals they were expecting. 

As an LVT herself, Ashley knew she would be able to help, along with her travel partners, Ross alumnae Dr. Renee Addison from Veterinary Emergency Services in Verona, Virginia and Dr. Vanessa Mitchell from Companion Animal Clinic in Blacksburg, Virginia. With their skill sets and their mentorship mindsets along with donated collars, leashes and medications, last week on July 6, 2024, they helped Ross students treat over 300 animals.  

Working side by side for 6 hours with students, they helped educate pet owners on the importance of preventative care, administered vaccines, dewormed, provided heartworm tests and encouraged sign-ups for Ross spay and neuter clinics in the fall. 

While it was a long and hot day, our three VetEvolve team members were overjoyed by their experience helping the community and helping students.  

“It was such a wonderful day and it felt so great to be able to help so many pet families while also educating students during hands-on casework.  I really hope this will be the start of an annual event as a way we can Serve St. Kitts when we visit the Ross campus.”  Ashley Anderson, Student Programs Partner and LVT.

“I am honored to be an extension of VetEvolve and represent our core values and SERVE the island of St.Kitts through outreach with the students and helping the local pets.” Dr. Renee Addison, Veterinary Emergency Services.

“It was an honor to be able to go give back to the school and island that helped to shape me into the person and doctor I am today.  I would not be where I am without all of the school and life lessons Ross and St. Kitts have taught me. “ Dr. Vanessa Mitchell, Companion Animal Clinic.